Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Teaching with Technology PGG Series 2019-2020: Deeper Learning

Teaching with Technology PGG Series 2019-2020:

Deep Learning in the Digital Classroom

      Image result for welcome

Welcome to our session. Please see the highlighted notes below to help get your started. Because we have a packed house this session, please tuck your bags under the table. Thanks for being here!

Please click HERE for today's slideshow with embedded activities. Please have this slideshow open in a new tab. Put it on full screen then "45" your laptop. 


Goals and Essential Questions
Overview of PGG
Goal of PGG
Training Session Format

Part I: What is Deep Learning?

Pre-learning Deep Learning activity
Defining Deep Learning
Deep Learning Framework
4 Elements of Deep Learning

6 competencies of Deep Learning
New Pedagogies for Deep Learning.  It's the process, not the product. It's the journey  #npdl @NewPedagogies

How to leverage what we already do
Deep Learning: Clarifying Misconceptions
A short and deep dive to Deep Learning

Part II: Blending Deep Learning with Classroom Technology

SAMR model and Deep Learning

Fusing technology and Deep Learning

Part III: Approaches to a Deep Learning Digital Lesson

Two Pathways: Elements or Menu
Teacher Lesson Template
Tips and Tricks

Part IV: Planning and Tool Discovery

Investigating new tools 

Flipgrid challenge and activity
Exploring old tools with new features
Padlet share out


1. Choose a pathway - decide which of the two templates you will use for your Deep Learning Digital Lesson.

2. Decide on a topic or skill for your "short deep dive" of a lesson

Goals for Next Session:

1.Begin DL lesson via chosen template
2.Learn Station Rotation model in DL lesson planning
3.Experiment with Flipgrid in lesson
4.Explore two more new tools

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